link building

Link Building Strategies That Work in 2020

Link building strategies are very useful for your website as they help you get more organic traffic. If you have a website or if you are considering opening one, you should know that links have major importance on SEO and on getting your website to rank up in the search results page.

You don’t need to be a tech expert to know how to build your website’s links and it is something you can do on your own. What you need first is to educate yourself on the matter and once you know enough information, then you can start building your links like a pro. If you want someone else to do that for you, you can find out more on our page related to link building services we provide.

1. Link Building Strategies – Roundups

One of the best ways to get some organic traffic is to get mentioned in other blogs. Usually, viewers of that blog will visit your website if the blogger will link your website on one of his posts, in a smart way. 

But how do you get a blogger to link you to his website? You have to email different bloggers and pitch yourself to them. Remember that you have to show to them that your website provides valuable information on a matter that they are blogging about. 

Where do you find these link roundups? You can simply Google them and try to find out which one works best for you. Or you can search them on social media with the hashtag. Once you found a roundup that you think matches the value that you provide, then you can proceed to email the person doing the roundup and pick the link from your website that you would like that person to link on his/her blog.

2. Updating Broken Links

How many times has it occurred to you to click on a link that a website suggested only to come across a dead page? It is one of the worst things you can do to ruin your user experience. But it is also an opportunity you can use to get these websites to link your website.

update broken links

You can notify them of the broken link and then offer to replace it with your link. It sounds like a lot of work to do but there are plug-ins out there that can help you find all the working or broken links of that website. 

Once you find the broken links on a blog or article that you think works for you, then you can email them, notifying the problem and pitching your link.

3. Guest Post

Not only is guest posting a fantastic way for you to get into contact with different influencers, but it also allows you to secure links for your website.

You can go around the internet searching for different websites that accept guest posts and trying to find which one better suits your style of writing. Once you find what you think will be perfect for your website then you can continue to email them.

If you have guest posted before it is better to mention your guest posts in the email for higher credibility. Then you can mention your website yourself in the guest posts that you are going to write for that website.

4. Sponsored Posts

Maybe you don’t want to pay money to get people to see your articles but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. You can search the internet for opportunities and try to find websites that have a good amount of traffic but also match the niche of the content that you want to promote.

One common mistake that people make is that they pay money to get their content featured on websites that have nothing to do with the niche that they are working on. This will only lead to a few inorganic viewers who will never stick around your website.

You are trying to get organic traffic and you can do so even with sponsored posts. You just have to be smart enough to know where to get sponsored and together with the publisher of that website to create a post that will look more like a native article of that website than a sponsored post.

Make sure to specify this in the email that you are going to send them out. The post needs to look almost like a guest post. This way you can get some good, organic traffic.

5. Tracking Unlinked Mentions 

As you are creating more content and as your website are getting more and more popularity, it will come the time when you are going to get mentioned but not linked. Why does this happen? Well, most of the time they forget to link your website and some other times they don’t know which link to put in their article so they just mention you without linking you.

But how do you track these unlinked mentions? It must be a lot of work on its own. You don’t have to worry because tools such as Google Alerts, allow you to get an email whenever your name or brand name is mentioned by someone. So the next time that you find out that your website has been mentioned somewhere but not linked, you can simply reach out to their website and politely send them the URL you want them to link, after thanking them for mentioning you.

6. Exchanging Posts with Other Bloggers in Your Niche

This one is kind of tricky because it has to be bloggers in your niche but not in direct competition with you. So for example, if you have a real estate website in New York you can send an email to a real estate website in Los Angeles, offering them to write a guest post for them.

You have to be careful when you pitch the idea. Maybe they don’t have the time to return the favour of writing a guest post for your website so you can let them know that you would still gladly write one for them.

7. Blog Commenting

A lot of people say that blog commenting is spam. It’s not and it can be a great linking strategy if you know how to use it the right way. As long as you are not linking people to sales pages you should be fine. Remember to not comment only on the purpose of linking.


Make sure to leave a thoughtful comment where you can congratulate the writer of the blog and give your own opinion on the matter. Once you have made sure to give across a good and clear point then you can link your website with a page where people can read furthermore of the opinion that you gave.

Blog commenting is awesome because you don’t have to email anyone pitching ideas, and you can attract some really good viewers. Just make sure to not overdo it or else you might even get banned.

8. Big Pages Links

Usually, big pages such as Forbes, or The New York Times, will have contributors post who will write articles for them. This is your chance to get your website linked to major publications. How do you do this?

This method might sound unheard and maybe unorthodox to the honest SEO writers out there, but you can simply email the contributors and offer them money for linking your website. You might end up paying up to $150 but remember that you might get a lot more in return.

The numbers of organic viewers that you will get from these major press publications can be very high. However, you have to be very careful when you pitch the idea to the contributors. Remember that they are people who might have a huge ego and you need to be very tactical when you write down that email. Also, make sure to not fall for scams.

9. Reach Small Bloggers

Small bloggers are always looking for an opportunity to connect with someone who is ahead of them. You would be surprised at the amount of traffic you could get if you were to reach ten small bloggers to link up your website. Everyone starts small at one point, but just because they are small, doesn’t mean that they cannot make a difference on your website.

Try to reach as many small bloggers as you can in your niche and email them about your idea. They tend to always respond and they are always open to collaborations.

10. YouTubers

A lot of websites today get their traffic from other YouTubers who link them in their video description. If you manage to find a YouTuber who does videos regarding your niche, then you can email them and offer to link up your website in their video description, as a means to help their audience get what they are searching for.

In return, you can link one of their videos to your website. Start with small YouTubers and climb your way to the top as your website gains more and more popularity.


So there you have 10 link building strategies that work in 2020. Don’t be afraid to experiment with all of them to see which one works better for your website. Maybe you have your strategy or maybe this article helped you have clearer ideas on what works and whatnot.

Always be on the lookout to collaborate with others as it is the only way to truly grow your website. It is all about connections, connections, connections. You have to be patient enough to build truly genuine relationships with people in your niche and not come across as someone who just wants to get some organic traffic. People only like people who care about teamwork.

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