Have you had your site checked for SEO compliance?
No? *Gasps* What are you waiting for?
Make sure your site’s health remains top-notch
Getting Audited Means Getting Checked
A website is sort of a living asset, living online at least, and SEO Audit Services exists to provide them their version of health checkups. The fact that your website stays online is only one good indicator, one out of a long list.
There are just so many factors in play that determine your site’s health that it requires a thorough process of its own. An SEO audit analysis conducts the comprehensive revision of any and all SEO relevant factors of your site. Correcting deficiencies to ensure compliance to best practices is what our SEO Audit services do.
Correcting Deficiencies
A website is an asset, it is the digital infrastructure you have in the online space, think of it as your own office building. And what do buildings need? Regular maintenance. While your website might not crash to the ground if you don’t attend to it. Without an SEO audit analysis, you risk much.
We as an SEO audit agency effectively act as your site’s custodians. There’s not an SEO-relevant spot of your site’s infrastructure left unchecked by our SEO audit analysis. DoFollow goes through painful lengths analyzing what might drag your site’s performance down.
Preventing Uselessness
Without our SEO Audit services your site might very well remain online, it will just not rank highly. Why yes, search engines take note of your site’s overall performance and compliance with best practices. Start failing at those and there goes your high result page ranking. Harsh, but true.
The search engine does so to ensure they are actually offering the best of the best in the search results for its users. Thus, making an SEO audit analysis from a competent SEO audit agency, like ours, a regular necessity. The best part about DoFollow Media: we offer you a limited, free SEO audit.
Free SEO audit
That’s right, we said ‘free’. Just to show off how confident we are on our SEO prowess, we offer our clients a free SEO audit. The free SEO audit covers only a couple of the relevant factors search engines look into. We hold a magnifying glass to see your site’s health.
Our free SEO audit uncovers what is the current status of your site’s SEO performance. All observations within the scope of the free SEO audit go into a report delivered straight to you.
That explains any relevant findings and the necessary steps for correction. Out of which the best step of them all would be to request a full SEO audit analysis from our SEO audit agency. Shocking right? DoFollow Media makes your site’s SEO compliant, ensuring your ranking.
Sick of Your Site or Your Site Feeling Sick?
Get it checked and Get it Fixed.
DoFollow Media has the cure!
What’s In It For You?
Free SEO Audit
Yes, it’s free. DoFollow offers first-time buyers a limited, free SEO audit. We’ll asses some common performance pain points of your site completely free. Get in touch with us to know more.
Site Health Check
An up and close look beneath the hood of your site reveals what might be keeping it from the prime performance.
Thorough Status Report
All observations go into a comprehensive report that details the findings and measures to take for fixing.
Issues Fixing
All hands on deck when the time comes to apply the corrective measures. No rest until your site is totally SEO compliant.
Ensuring Ranking
Is your site ranking high already? It remains there. Just starting to go up the result pages? We get you there.
Rain or Shine.
Spring or Winter.
Keep your site fully SEO compliant all year round.
DoFollow keeps it in check for you!
My Site Was Compliant Last Year. What Happened?
Time happened. See, just like a physical building, websites do suffer from wear and tear. Be it a high volume of content published without regard for proper URL formatting. Improper linking and redirection when going from one page to another. Slow loading times due to ill-fitting hosting, etc.
Even leaving a website sit stale for a year is enough to have its assets fall from grace with the search engine. It’s just the way it goes, regular SEO audit analysis is a must if you want to have your site appear in searches. DoFollow puts its 10+ years as an SEO audit agency at your services.
Which Are the Indicators That Affect SEO Compliance?
There’s simply too many of them to name them all on this page alone. Generally speaking, any indicator that might affect user experience and search engine analysis. Three big aspects of our own free SEO audit focuses on are:
- Latency time, how long it takes your site to load.
- Proper link building and link placing.
- Specific URL labeling and Indexing.
And those are just three out of hundreds of indicators that can either elevate or drag your site’s performance in the search ranking. To have them all checked, just request our SEO Audit services.